DeVellis Zrein, Inc.: Landscape Architects, Civil Engineers, Land and Site Planners and Surveyors of Foxboro, MA
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Library Feasibility Studies
Athol, Granby, Shrewsbury & West Springfield, MA

Clients: Lerner Ladd and Bartels, Tappe and Associates, Johnson Associates

Challenges and Opportunities:
DZI worked with prominent architecture firms and municipalities to create site feasibility studies and helps brings them through fruition.

DZI has aided in the site location process, environmental analysis and assessment, permitting and zoning reviews, grant submissions and graphic presentations as well participation with municipal steering committees.

The cornerstone of DZI’s feasibility studies is the utilization of the Mass State GIS and local municipal data bases by their GIS department. The availability of this data allows DZI an environmental and permitting snap shot of each site challenges and constraints. DZI can then graphically convey these constraints to the architects and municipalities so that the proper master planning strategies and cost implications can be accounted for.

DZI is able to create working base mapping to help site selection and site master planning efforts. Streamlining the feasibility study phase with the steering committee team allows the towns to spend more time focusing on program development and less time speculating future environmental or permitting hiccups.

DeVellis Zrein Inc., P.O. Box 307, Foxborough, MA 02035 Phone: 508-473-4114 Fax: 774-215-0631






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