The Landmark School
Pride's Crossing, MA
Project: Natural Athletic Field
Client: The Landmark School
Challenges and Opportunities:
The Landmark School’s mission is to enable and empower students with language-based learning disabilities to realize their educational and social potential through an exemplary school program complemented by outreach and training, diagnosis, and research.
This athletic field project has been part of the ongoing master plan for over 5 years. The site is located on the tight high school campus in Prides Crossing which is riddled with ledge outcroppings, steep terrain borders on wetlands and is not easily accessed from the heart of the campus. DZI has worked with landmark to from concept through permitting completing the Notice of Intent for this project and successfully bring it in front of the Beverly Conservation Committee. DZI has worked with the school to provide graphics for fundraising and has worked closely with the facilities department to provide expertise and support so that the school’s board could vote to approve the project.
DZI just completed construction documents and construction is expected to commence in the spring of 2011 with completion being the opening of school in the fall of 2011/2012.