DeVellis Zrein, Inc.: Landscape Architects, Civil Engineers, Land and Site Planners and Surveyors of Foxboro, MA
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Heritage Commons
Lawrence, MA

Project: Site redesign of 140 unit/8 building development

Client: Davis Square Architects/The Community builders

Challenges and Opportunities:
DZI is providing Site planning and Civil engineering services to this large development located in the center of Lawrence.

DZI is working with DSA architects to provide:

  1. Redesigning site layout, grading and utilities
  2. Redesigning pedestrian and ADA access throughout the site in conjunction with redesigned vehicular parking and access.
  3. Redesigned individual exterior patios for each unit.
  4. Working with DSA to provide 7 ADA accessible units
  5. New playground space as well as new site amenities including bike racks and dumpster enclosures.
Residential Project - Heritage Commons, Lawrence, MA by DeVellis Zrein, Inc. of Foxboro, MA

DeVellis Zrein Inc., P.O. Box 307, Foxborough, MA 02035 Phone: 508-473-4114 Fax: 774-215-0631






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