DeVellis Zrein, Inc.: Landscape Architects, Civil Engineers, Land and Site Planners and Surveyors of Foxboro, MA
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CMT Realty Properties
Burlington, MA

Project: Parking expansion to accommodate multi-use office and restaurant tenants.

Client: CMT Realty Properties

Challenges and Opportunities: Special Permit through Planning Board. Conservation approvals for Riverfront, Wetlands and Flood Plain.

CMT Realty of Burlington, MA, a DeVelliz Zrein, Inc. Commercial project
CMT Realty of Burlington, MA, a DeVelliz Zrein, Inc. Commercial project

DeVellis Zrein Inc., P.O. Box 307, Foxborough, MA 02035 Phone: 508-473-4114 Fax: 774-215-0631






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